Saturday, July 19, 2008


Well, we haven't posted in a while so here is the update- Cam and Gwen finished up their first year of school in Omak with flying colors. Mistie is registered to start school this September at WVC in Omak. And Owen and Haaz are totally out of control. We all needed the summer break and are using it to catch up on work around the house as well as a little vacation to the Tri-Cities and the Oregon Coast. Here are some pictures of the family at the zoo and on the beach!

Gwen and Owen checking out a Zebra at the Portland Zoo
Owen running for a sand-dollar
Owen showing off all his findings

Gwennie with her feet in the sand and the breeze in her hair

Gwen and Owen watching the sun set on the Pacific Ocean

Gwen and Owen staring into the salty breeze

Cam and Mistie love'n it up on the beach